Where: Sprout San Francisco
1828 Union Street @ Octavia
San Francisco, CA 94123
(415) 359-9205
Date: April 3, 2014
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Who: All parents
(Best suited for parents of children 10 and younger)
This event is free with advance registration. Please RSVP to dmitchell@sfdbt.com.
Encouraging vs. Discouraging statements
Your words as well as your tone can discourage your child.
One of the first things you can do to encourage your child is to make a shift in what you say and your tone of voice.
Child is throwing a ball in the house
Parent “Stop that! You could break something!” Don’t you remember the rule?”
A Better Way If you want to throw the ball, you can do that outside.
Parent is annoyed and distracted as his four-year-old twins fight in the backseat of the car.
“Stop that please!”
A Better Way Parent pulls the car over w/o saying anything. When the boys quiet down, he continues driving. He repeats this a few times until the boys stop their disruptive behavior.
Deborah Mitchell, Ph.D and Cheryl Jacobs, MFT from Parent Inc. have helped countless parents win their child’s cooperation. Join them at Sprout for an hour presentation.
Parent Inc. is committed to providing straightforward, results-oriented principles that guide parents and easily translate to significant change. By focusing on principles, we have moved away from one-size-fits-all recommendations that often leave parents feeling frustrated and discouraged. The principles we teach empower families to gain children’s cooperation by stimulating independence and creating a sense of belonging and respect for each unique child.
To learn more visit SFPARENTINC.COM